Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 4 February 2014

Facebook introduced new application "Paper" for iPhone users which is currently going wild on the store. This Facebook's new "Paper" application has created a controversy by using the same name as FiftyThree’s popular drawing application which is also a free download in the US App Store.

The FiftyThree's "Paper" Application lets you capture and share the ideas over the web. It was so popular in 2012 that Apple named it the Best App of the Year. It has also been honored with awards from AIGA, IxDA, TIME magazine and Communication Arts.
                                         The other "Paper" Application which is introduced by Facebook, helps you to explore and share stories from your friends. It will be like a Newspaper. You can also customize your Paper with your favourite sections, Interests and themes. You can craft your own stories and see exactly what your posts will look like before you share them.
Georg Petschnigg, CEO of FiftyThree says the company owns the trademark for "Paper by FiftyThree," also says his team has been in talks with Facebook since Thursday. So far, at least, Facebook appears in no mood on its willingness to cooperate. Till now there's no comment on the situation from facebook and also the well known Zuck.

If the trademark is ‘Paper by FiftyThree,’ then they don’t have a case and FiftyThree wins directly in this name fight. The CEO Of FiftyThree have asked Facebook to stop using their brand name and Change the name of new application. “We’re keeping all of our options open,” he said in a blog post.

Previously The social giant Facebook have bullied other companies that tried to use the word “book” in their name or logo. Honestly, considering the sociopathic behaviour of "Zuck"  I'd suggest FiftyThree to create another app and name it as "Facebook" then see what happens. Haha ;)

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